Rabu, 14 Februari 2018


Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation

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MaCCI – Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation
MaCCI Mannheim.png
Region served
Leibniz Association
Thomas Kohl
Georg Licht
Martin Peitz
Thomas Fetzer
AffiliationsUniversity of Mannheim
20 (Ph.D students)
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
The Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI) in MannheimGermany is an economic research institute and a member of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Scientific Community.[1] Under the leadership of the directors Thomas Kohl, Georg Licht, Martin Peitz and Thomas Fetzer,[2] president of the Institute, and Joachim Bornkamm, chairman of the advisory board, MaCCI employs a staff of about 33 researchers and about 20 Ph.D students. The MaCCI was established in Mannheim in 2008 and is still headquartered there. MaCCI is an initiative by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the Mannheim School of Law and Economics of the University of Mannheim. Launched as a virtual platform in 2008, MaCCI has become a Leibniz‐ScienceCampus as of January 2012.The institute is GmbH.[3]
organized as an NGO with a legal form of

Organization and structure[edit]

Currently, the MaCCI is engaged in several research projects that are divided into four different research clusters:
  • Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law
  • Evaluation of Competition Policy Rules and Institutions
  • Requirements for an Efficient and Reliable Design of Electricity Markets
  • Net Neutrality – Governmental Support and Options

Research and focus[edit]

The major objective of the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI) is to stimulate and disseminate research in the area of competition, regulation and innovation policy, broadly defined.[4] The MaCCI community consists of researchers of the ZEW and the University of Mannheim who have a law or economics focus in the fields of competition, regulation and innovation policy. MaCCI further provides a platform for discussions between academic re‐ searchers and practitioners through the organization of recurrent events such as the MaCCI Annual Conference, the Mannheim Energy Conference, the MaCCI Law & Economics Conference, the MaCCI Summer Institute on Competition Policy, or the Mannheim Competition Policy Forum (MCPF).[5]

Selected publications[edit]

The following list is non-exhaustive:
  • Argenziano, R. and P. Schmidt-Dengler (2013), Competition, Timing of Entry and Welfare in a Preemption Game, Economics Letters 120, 509-512.
  • Azacis, H. and P. Vida (2013), A Detail-Free mediator, Games and Economic Behavior 81, 101–115.
  • Becker, U. and H. Schweitzer (2013) Unbehandelt zurückgelassen: Der kränkelnde Kassenwettbewerb nach der 8. GWB-Novelle – Editorial, WRP 2013, Heft 8.
  • Bertschek, I., D. Cerquera and G. J. Klein (2013), More Bits - More Bucks? Measuring the Impact of Broadband Internet on Firm Performance, Information Economics and Policy 25, 190 – 203.
  • Beyerbach, H. (2013), Glücksspielrecht: Keine Staatshaftung wegen unionsrechtswidrigen Sportwettenmonopols? Anmerkung zu BGH v. 18.10.2012 – III ZR 196/11, EuZW 2013, 198.
  • Braun, R., H. Eidenmüller, A. Engert and L. Hornuf (2013), Unternehmensgründungen unter dem Einfluss des Wettbewerbs der Gesellschaftsrechte, ZHR 177 (2013), 131.
  • Briglauer, W., G. Ecker and K. Gugler (2013), The Impact of Infrastructure and Service-Based Competition on the Deployment of Next Generation Access Networks: Recent Evidence from the European Member States, Information Economics and Policy 25(3), 142-153.
  • Briglauer, W. and K. Gugler (2013), The Deployment and Penetration of High-Speed Fiber Networks and Services: Why are EU Member States Lagging Behind?, Telecommunications Policy 37(10), 819-835.
  • Engert, A. (2013), Regelungen als Netzgüter – Eine Theorie der Rechtsvereinheitlichung im Vertragsrecht, AcP 213 (2013), 321
  • Fetzer, T. (2013), Schutzniveau und Drittschutz im Atomrecht, in: NVwZ 2013, 1373-377.
  • Fetzer, T. (2013), Frequenzknappheit bei GSM-Frequenzen?, in: MMR 2013, 152-158.
  • Fetzer, T., M. Peitz and H. Schweitzer (2013), Flexible Geschäftsmodelle in der Telekommunikation und die Netzneutralitätsdebatte, Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 93, 695-701.
  • Fiocco, R. (2013), The Optimal Institutional Design of Vertically Related Markets with Unknown Upstream Costs, Review of Network Economics 12, 183-210.
  • Flues, F., A. Löschel, P. Massier and N. Wölfing (2013), Perspectives on the Future of Unconventional Gas in Europe – Insights from the ZEW Energy Market Barometer, IAEE Energy Forum Third Quarter 2013, 36-38.
  • Forges, F. and P. Vida (2013), Implementation of Communication Equilibria by Correlated Cheap Talk: The Two-Player Case, Theoretical Economics 8, 95–123.
  • Goldlücke, S. and S. Kranz (2013), Renegotiation-Proof Relational Contracts, Games and Economic Behavior 80, 157-178.
  • Hermeling, C., A. Löschel and T. Mennel (2013), A New Robustness Analysis for Climate Policy Evaluations: A CGE Application for the EU 2020 Targets, Energy Policy 55, 27-35.
  • Hübler, M. and A. Löschel (2013), The EU Decarbonisation Roadmap 2050: What Way to Walk?, Energy Policy 55, 190-207.
  • Hüschelrath, K. (2013), Economic Approaches to Fight Bid Rigging, Journal of European Competition Law and Practice 4 (2), 185-191.
  • Hüschelrath, K., U. Laitenberger and F. Smuda (2013), Cartel Enforcement in the European Union: Determinants of the Duration of Investigations, European Competition Law Review 34 (1), 33-39.
  • Hüschelrath, K. (2013), Evaluating the Merger Control Process, Competition Law Journal 12 (4), 428-451.
  • Hüschelrath, K. and F. Smuda (2013), Do Cartel Breakdowns Induce Mergers? Evidence from EC Cartel Cases, European Competition Journal 9 (2), 407-429.
  • Hüschelrath, K. and S. Peyer (2013), Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law: A Differentiated Approach, World Competition Law and Economics Review 36 (4), 585-614.
  • Hüschelrath, K. and K. Müller (2013), The Competitive Effects of Firm Exit: Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry, Economics of Transportation 2 (2-3), 72-85.
  • Hüschelrath, K., K. Müller and T. Veith (2013), Concrete Shoes for Competition: The Effect of the German Cement Cartel on Market Price, Journal of Competition Law and Economics 9 (1), 97-123.
  • Hüschelrath, K. and V. Bilotkach (2013), Airline Alliances, Antitrust Immunity, and Market Foreclosure, Review of Economics and Statistics 95 (4), 1368-1385.
  • Hüschelrath, K. and K. Müller (2013), Patterns and Effects of Entry in U.S. Airline Markets, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 13 (2), 221-253.
  • Hüschelrath, K. and J. Weigand (2013), Predation Enforcement Options: An Evaluation in a Cournot Framework, European Journal of Law and Economics 35 (2), 241-272.
  • Kainer, F. (2013), Strafrecht im Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts. Entwicklung und Umsetzungsprobleme des europäisierten Strafrechts in Deutschland, EuR 2013 * Beiheft 3, S. 87
  • Kainer, F. and S. Ponterlitschek (2013), Einführung von nationalen Straßenbenutzungsgebühren für Pkw: Verstoß gegen das europarechtliche Diskriminierungsverbot?, ZRP 2013, 198.
  • Kainer, F. and C. Müller-Graff (2013), Die Pauschalierung von Schadensersatzansprüchen gegen Kartellabsprachen in Vergabeverträgen, WM 2013
  • Löschel, A., S. Rexhäuser and M. Schymura (2013), Trade and the Environment: An Application of the WIOD Database, Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 11, 51-61.
  • Löschel, A., B. Sturm and C. Vogt (2013), The Demand for Climate Protection - Empirical Evidence from Germany, Economics Letters 118, 415-418.
  • Mailath, G. and E. L. von Thadden (2013), Incentive-Compatibility and Differentiability: New Results and Classic Applications, Journal of Economic Theory 148, 1841-1861.
  • McGuire, M.-R. (2013), Anmerkung zum Urteil des OLG München vom 25.07.2013 (Insolvenzfestigkeit einfacher Nutzungsrechte), GRUR 2013 Heft 11, 1125-1134.
  • McGuire, M.-R. (2013), Internationale Zuständigkeit bei Markenverletzung durch Keyword-Advertising, Anmerkung zu EuGH 19.4.2012 – Wintersteiger/Products4U, ZEuP 2013, Heft 4
  • McGuire, M.-R. and J. Kunzmann (2013), Sukzessionsschutz und Fortbestand der Unterlizenz nach M2TRade und TakeFive - ein Lösungsvorschlag, GRUR 2013 Heft 12
  • McGuire, M.-R. (2013), Die Patentlizenz im System des BGB, Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte 2013, 207-215
  • Müller-Terpitz, R. and A. Rauchhaus (2013), Das E-Government-Gesetz des Bundes – ein Schritt in Richtung „Verwaltung 2.0“. Geplante Regelungen und Problembereiche, MultiMedia und Recht 2013, S. 10 – 16.
  • Müller-Terpitz, R. (2013), Assistierte Reproduktionsverfahren im Lichte der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention – zugleich eine Besprechung des Urteils des EGMR (Große Kammer) vom 3.11.2011, Az. 57813/00 – S.H. u.a./Österreich und seiner Folgejudikate, Archiv des Völkerrechts 51 (2013), S. 42-71.
  • Niedermayer, A. (2013), On Platforms, Incomplete Contracts, and Open Source Software, International Journal of Industrial Organization 31, 714-722.
  • Niedermayer, A. and J. Wu (2013), Breaking Up a Research Consortium, International Journal of Industrial Organization 31, 342-353.
  • Nocke, V. and M. D. Whinston (2013), Merger Policy with Merger Choice, American Economic Review 103, 1006-1033.
  • Peitz, M. and D. Shin (2013), Innovation and Waste in Supply Chain Management, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 86, 191-199.
  • Alexeeva-Talebi, Victoria, Christoph Böhringer, Andreas Löschel and Sebastian Voigt (forthcoming), The Value-Added of Sectoral Disaggregation: Implications on Competitive Consequences of Climate Change Policies, Energy Economics
  • Argenziano, R. and P. Schmidt-Dengler (forthcoming), Clustering in N-Player Preemption Games, Journal of the European Economic Association.
  • Azacis, H. and P. Vida (forthcoming), Collusive Communication Schemes in a First-Price Auction, Economic Theory.
  • Belleflamme, P. and M. Peitz (forthcoming), Asymmetric Information and Overinvestment in Quality, European Economic Review.
  • Briglauer, W. (forthcoming), The Impact of Regulation and Competition on the Adoption of Fiber-based Broadband Services: Recent Evidence from the European Union Member States, Journal of Regulatory Economics.
  • Classen, N., M. Carree, A. Van Gils and B. Peters (forthcoming), Innovation in Family and Non-Family SMEs: An Exploratory Analysis, Small Business Economics.
  • Corchón, L. C. and G. Zudenkova (forthcoming), The Welfare Effects of Location and Quality in Oligopoly, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Topics).
  • Fiocco, R. and R. Strausz (forthcoming), Consumer Standards as a Strategic Device to Mitigate Ratchet Effects in Dynamic Regulation, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.
  • Hackl, F., M. Kummer and R. Winter-Ebmer (forthcoming), 99 Cent: Price Points in E-Commerce, Information Economics and Policy.
  • Hüschelrath, K., K. Müller and T. Veith (forthcoming), Estimating Damages from Price-Fixing: The Value of Transaction Data, European Journal of Law and Economics.
  • Hüschelrath, K. and T. Veith (forthcoming), Cartel Detection in Procurement Markets, Managerial and Decision Economics.
  • Hüschelrath, K. and K. Müller (forthcoming), The Value of Bluer Skies: How Much Do Consumers Gain from Entry by JetBlue Airways in Long-Haul U.S. Airline Markets?, International Journal of Transport Economics.
  • Inderst, R. and M. Peitz (forthcoming), Investment under Uncertainty and Regulation of New Access Networks, Information Economics and Policy.
  • Karle, H. and M. Peitz (forthcoming), Competition under Consumer Loss Aversion, Rand Journal of Economics.
  • Li, S. M. Peitz and X. Zhao (forthcoming), Vertically Differentiated Duopoly with Unaware Consumers, Mathematical Social Sciences.
  • Löschel, A. and D. Rübbelke (forthcoming), On the Voluntary Provision of International Public Goods, Economica.
  • Martin, A., D. Skeie and E. L. von Thadden (forthcoming), Repo Runs, Review of Financial Studies.
  • Martin, A., D. Skeie and E. L. von Thadden (forthcoming), The Fragility of Short-Term Secured Funding Markets, Journal of Economic Theory.
  • Niedermayer, A. and A. Shneyerov (forthcoming), For-Profit Search Platforms, International Economic Review.
  • Nocke, V. and J. Thanassoulis (forthcoming), Vertical Relations under Credit Constraints, Journal of the European Economic Association.
  • Peitz, M. and M. Reisinger (forthcoming), Indirect Taxation in Vertical Oligopoly, Journal of Industrial Economics.
  • Schober, D., S. Schaeffler and C. Weber (forthcoming), Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cost of Capital – The Case of Electricity Networks, Journal of Regulatory Economics.
  • Schober, D. and C. Weber (forthcoming), Vergleichbarkeit und regulatorische Kostenstandardisierung in der Stromverteilnetzregulierung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis Schwerpunktheft 4/2013 "Rechnungswesen und Regulierung".
  • Schymura, M. and A. Löschel (forthcoming), Incidence and Extent of Co-Authorship in Environmental and Resource Economics: Evidence from the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Scientometrics.

See also[edit]

Notes and references[edit]

External links[edit]

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